Posts tagged ‘Colorado’

August 5, 2010

Serenity Now! It’s important to dream.

This has been a more stressful week than usual which got me thinking of where I would rather be.  I’m always searching for the quiet out-of-the-way kinds of campgrounds.  I happened to stumble upon the Sand Dunes Pool (and campground) in Hooper, Colorado about three years ago.  This has now been my “happy place” for the past couple of weeks.  I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal about dreams.  As they tell it, some people can dial-up or change over to a dream they want to have, some kind of conscience dreaming thing – Huh?.  How do researchers know this?  Well, they wake people up mid-dream and ask them what they’re dreaming, give suggestions of how to change the dream and tuck them back into bed.  Try as hard as I might, I can’t conjure up the Sand Dunes Pool.  As a matter of fact, it’s rare I remember any dream.   Daydreams are a different story…  I’ve been relaxing under that big stand pipe about midway down the side of the pool.  This gushes with hot, but not too hot, water which does wonders for a crabby old man with more aches than money.  Recently I tried to muster up enough energy and time-off to travel back up to Hooper.  Being 600+ miles and the old Vogue being old, it would take two days driving to get there.  Maybe next year.   In the mean-time, I’ve got a great daydream – my serenity now that I know won’t disappoint me when I return.

Here are a few pictures for your dreaming pleasure.  Click on the first pic for more info.

Hot Springs Pool

Stand under that pipe!

Why drive on?

Update: April 2015.

We haven’t been able to make it back to Hooper 😦  Re-reading this post got me thinking of a Fall Break trip up to the San Luis Valley.  Maybe?  I’m eternally grateful to my new Dr.  who diagnosed me with sleep apnea.  I’m now use a cpap machine nightly and dream again!